Tax Benefits You May Qualify For

EITC Home Page–It’s easier than ever to find out if you qualify for EITC

Earned Income Tax Credit also known as EITC or EIC is a tax credit for people who have low to moderate earned income. The earned income can be from working for your employer, yourself or from other sources such as certain disability income.

Did you know that there are events in life that may have a significant tax impact?

Many times we experience significant life events that have a tax impact too! This page explains the tax impact of these events for taxpayers.

Tax Information for Members of the U.S. Armed Forces

Members of the U.S. Armed Forces, especially those serving in combat zones, face some special tax situations and are entitled to some special tax benefits.

Tax Information for Innocent Spouses

Check here for all you need to know about Innocent Spouse including determining your eligibility, identifying the types of relief available, applying for relief, addressing your questions and so much more.

Tax Incentives for Higher Education

The tax code provides a variety of tax incentives for families who are saving for, or already paying, higher education costs or are repaying student loans.

The Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) Program

The Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) is a unique program that pays 80% of qualified health insurance premiums for eligible individuals and their family members. Find out if you’re eligible for this valuable tax credit, and how you can receive it.